PAS 800:2010 pdf download

PAS 800:2010 pdf download

PAS 800:2010 pdf download,Use of Dementia Care Mapping for Person-centred Care in a Care Provider Organization – Guide.
PAS 800:2010 provides a guide to the principles and recommendations for the use of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) by care providers where the intention is to improve the quality of person-centred care (PCC) for persons living with dementia.
PAS 800:2010 is intended for use by persons responsible for implementing,delivering and managing standards of care,quality assurance and improvement processes within health and social care.
PAS 800:2010 is for use by providers of care homes,nursing homes,hospital wards,day care and interim care services where significant numbers of service users are living with moderate to severe dementia.
The DCM strategy should define how DCM will meet service level objectives. It should be agreed at board level or its equivalent and be fully endorsed by the CEO or equivalent. A board member should be accountable (but not necessarily operationally responsible) for the DCM strategy.
DCM can be used to improve and assure the quality of PCC practice at a number of different levels. The strategy should clearly define the levels at which DCM should be used.

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